Specifically, delete the spaces or hyphens and replace normal spaces and hyphens with non-breaking spaces or non-breaking hyphens: The right solution: keep text together with special characters. And, this manual approach doesn’t work well if you have paragraph formatting or styles that adds space between paragraphs. Now you’re wasting time going back to remove these extra lines when you no longer need the forced break to the text. This is fine until any of the text changes and causes breaks in the wrong place. The common solution: what most people do to keep text together is move to the beginning of the text and press to start a new line. Non-Breaking Spaces & Non-Breaking Hyphens Your options for keeping text together in Microsoft Word include: Some examples of text you might want to keep together and not break up on separate lines: To learn these tricks to keep text together in Microsoft Word, continue reading or watch my how-to video: Fortunately, Word has some easy ways to keep text together. Word wrap is great except when it breaks up text we want to stay together such as dates, names, phone numbers, phrases, formulas, titles or other text that should remain together on the same line. Most of the time, we want text in a Microsoft Word document to automatically wrap, that is, to move to the next line when it is too long to fit on one line.